Kratos Safety

Clearance / Fal l Factor / Pendular Ef fect Clearance of E.A Lanyards (or any Fall Factor 2 system) Clearance of Ret ractable Fal l Ar resters and Guided Type Rope Grab Fal l Ar resters (not for Fall Factor 2 systems) E.A LANYARDS CLEARANCE A A = Lanyard length A = Necessary distance for the fall arrest blocking B = Absorbing length B = Absorbing length D = Safety clearance D = Safety clearance Clearance must be considered under the anchorage. It can also be con- sidered under the user’s feet ( work area). C = User height ≈ 180 cms (from feet to the anchorage point on the harness) C = User height ≈ 180 cms (from feet to the anchorage point on the harness) B C D RETRACTABLE FALL ARRESTERS CLEARANCE A B C D Clearance must be considered under the users’s feet (work area). It must not be considered under the anchorage because it can be located few meters over the user. I-beSafeSystem allows you to calculate easily & precisely the minimum space under your work area and the clearance based on your usage settings. 79